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Anime as a Driver of Web3 Adoption


Episode 18 - Founder Insights Podcast

New Founder Insights episode with the founders of KLKTN and SFT Studios - Daisuke Iwase, Andrew Yeong and David Taing on their exciting Weebox launch.


In this episode, the KLKTN team chats with Rich Robinson about the insanely passionate and huge anime community and why it’s so important for the adoption of Web3.


Together, they deep dive into the origins of KLKTN, Japanese IP, and the incredible opportunity of the physical and digital figurine market. They also assess how e-figurines are a gamechanger for Web3, along with the importance, size, and opportunity of the physical and digital figurine market. 


ERC 6551 is demystified in this episode and the exciting ways in how it can make NFTs mutable and customizable.


Last but not least, this episode highlights the importance of an emotional connection around the storytelling and community of the IP, and how that can be extended phygitally. Watch the full episode here!

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